Due to the New Year's Holiday, The Gathering will not meet this Sunday, January 1, 2012. Please join us for worship Sunday, January 8, 2012, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street.
We were blessed by the battered woman who didn't seek revenge,Come join the conversation and be blessed! Our offering recipient is still to be determined.
We were blessed by the soldier who didn't need to win.
* collecting more than 1 million items of healthy food for local food banks,Our offering will include a monetary component, a canned and dry food collection for Project Dignidad, and a "letter component" - in that letters re: worldwide hunger issues will be available to sign and send to Congress.
* to collect more than $111,111 for hunger-related ministries in the United States and $111,111 for East Africa famine-related ministries,
* to send more than 11,111 letters to Congress asking to reform US foreign assistance programs to more effectively benefit hungry and poor people worldwide.
The Gathering affirms the inherent dignity and sacredness of human beings and the value of all life in the universe. We welcome and celebrate persons of all racial and ethnic heritages, all gender identities and sexual orientations, and all faith perspectives into the full life and ministry of The Gathering.
O sacred season of Autumn, be my teacher, for I wish to learn the virtue of contentment.--Edward Hays
"God is Still Speaking,- actually mean?
"Never place a period where God has placed a comma"
"No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here"
Gathering for Worship
5:30 pm, 618 Locust St.
Sunday, September 18
Like the deer that yearns for running streams,You are invited to "Go Back to the Well" - a day of communal and individual spiritual renewal and care.
so my soul is yearning for you, O God.
All who are thirsty, come to the water.
My soul is thirsting for God, the living God.
All who are thirsty, come to the water.
thegatheringsanangelo@yahoo.comNo matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at The Gathering's Retreat!