The season of Lent began Wednesday, March 9, with Ash Wednesday. A traditional view of Lent is that it's a time of sacrifice and restriction, a journey to the desert of repentance. Spiritual guide Edward Hays invites us to experience Lent instead as a time of expansion and growth. It is a journey, yes, but it's a journey deep into our souls. It's a journey of self-reflection and spiritual cleansing - a journey that invites us to more deeply know ourselves that we might more deeply encounter the Divine, and a journey to the Divine that we might more deeply know ourselves.
Sunday's worship will invite us to explore this journey. Our offering will be designated for United Campus Ministries. In addition to our financial offering, we will also collect packages of cookie dough for UCM to aid their service project of making cookies for the Children's Fair April 17. Please remember you are always welcome to bring canned and/or boxed food for Project Dignidad. Our potluck theme is general.
We're growing The Gathering, a place where life is cultivated
Gathering for Worship
Sunday, 3 April 2011
5:30 pm,
618 Locust