Sunday's Gathering, May 8 at 5:30 pm, is all about fun, frolic, and furry friends. We'll picnic at PonderosaPark (in Mertzon's Ponderosa Estates) - eating, playing, fishing and blessing our animals. So, of course, family members who happen to be animals are welcome! If, for whatever reason, you're beloved critters are not able to be with us Sunday, blessings will also be offered "in abstencia."
Ann and Crockett Light will be our hosts. In addition to people picnic food and drinks, they suggest you bring lawn chairs,
insect repellent, fishing gear, water bowls for your pets, and toys - either your own or your pets'. This is a great opportunity to gather people friends and bring them along, too!
So bring your pets for a blessing or just yourself and a friend (and/or your friends' pets) for an outdoor fun time under the trees on Spring Creek.
Directions to the Ponderosa Park:Take Highway 67 toward Mertzon
Exactly 11 miles past the Super WalMart, there is a turning lane in the middle of the road and a sign in the right of way (on the right) which says "Ponderosa Ln."
Turn left, cross railroad, follow Ponderosa Lane until you see Ponderosa Park sign on left (Rio Villa road)
Go down road 'til it dead ends at Spring Creek and you are there. If you get lost, call the Lights' cell - 325-234-1586.