This Thanksgiving, I am grateful
for each of you
and the spark you bring
to The Gathering.
May your Thanksgiving day and
season be filled with an abundance of
Gratitude, Joy, and Peace.
for each of you
and the spark you bring
to The Gathering.
May your Thanksgiving day and
season be filled with an abundance of
Gratitude, Joy, and Peace.
Sunday, November 27
We will join with others this Sunday for the San Angelo Living Together (SALT) community-wide Advent service and meal. Worship begins at 6:00 p.m. and will consist of gospel singing, scripture reading, and prayers. St. Paul Presbyterian Church, the host, will provide dinner following worship. As in previous years, the evening promises to be full of good singing, good conversation, and a chance to develop relationships with people across the city. Meet at St. Paul Presbyterian, 11 N. Park Street, for the 6:00 worship time.
Please Note: We will NOT meet at 618 Locust Street this Sunday, November 27, but we will gather again at 618 Locust, on Sunday, December 4.