Many of the traditions and meanings of the Christmas season are conveyed through stories. Stories about a baby born in a manger, angels singing about peace, light piercing the darkness. As my mentor Les Pugh reflected, these stories have a place in our lives. They encourage our ponderings and touch us to be reverent. Many Gatherers have grown up with additional stories of the season - for instance, stories about a grinch, a frosty snowman, and flying reindeer. Do these, too, encourage our ponderings and touch us to be reverent?
We will share and ponder our sacred holiday stories with each other this Sunday. You are invited to share with the group a story of some sort (a reading, a memory, a story from scripture, a family tradition, etc) that conveys to you the meaning of Sacred Presence during this holy season. Of course, in our sharing, we will be creating stories and traditions of our own.
Our offering will be designated for pancake supplies. Join us Sunday, December 11, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust.