Sunday, 12 February 2012, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
Now there's a curious mixture - films and Amish and The Gathering. What?
Have you ever considered the similarities between The Gathering and the Amish? Think about it: We are both communities based on deeply held faith perspectives; we appreciate and intentionally seek to develop community; we actively help our neighbors; we respect nature and want to live in harmony with our world; and we strive to be relevant and vital in 2012. Of course, we also have a few differences - beginning with the fact that the Amish, in their effort to be vital, live far outside the cultural mainstream, while The Gathering is absolutely in the middle of it. But here's the curiosity: the Amish's strict adherence to community conservative values is contributing to their doubling in size every year. During the last century, they grew from 5,000, inhabiting a handful of states, to
200,000, living in 25 states and one Canadian province.
Sunday night, we will more deeply engage with and get to know our Amish brothers and sisters as we watch and discuss a 49-minute documentary entitled
The Amish: How They Survive.
Just as Christians, people in the
United Church of Christ and people of "faith" cannot be categorized in one box, neither can the Amish; there is a great deal of variance among the group-as-a-whole. The film provides an unprecedented look into the varied beliefs and lifestyles of the Amish, and
much of the film's narration is provided by Amish people themselves (speaking off camera).
Discussion will be led by Neil and Karen, and our offering will be designated for the People/Plant Connection. In addition, you are invited to bring more soup and other canned/boxed food for Project Dignidad.
Update: This event was postponed due to snow.