Spiritual guide Edward Hays suggests experiencing the Christian season of Lent as a time of spiritual expansion and growth. Our efforts at things like worship, contemplation, reading sacred texts, prayer, service to others, practicing generosity and hospitality are to positively develop our relationship with God and enhance our connectedness with others. He states:
Lent as a holy season challenges one to aspire to be as Godlike as possible in forgiving and loving. We've all heard how the average person actualizes very little of his or her potential mental powers; the same is true of our spiritual potential. Lent as a holy season challenges one to reach for that potential, to aspire toward the greatness of soul that comes from cultivating virtues like justice, mercy, and love.
This Sunday, March 18, we will engage this Lenten effort at cultivating "greatness of soul" with a time of worship. Our offering will be designated for Valerie Tedford Queen, who has graciously helped with our worship music for several months now. Let's take this opportunity to concretely show her our appreciation. Part of this week's service will also include preparations for the following Sunday, March 25, when we will continue to cultivate greatness of soul by experiencing the spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth. Because of this, our potluck theme is anything circular.
Sunday, March 18, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street