The Gathering's survey was sent out January 30, 2010. 19 out of 45 people responded to the following questions (condensed results are in blue):
1. You may choose multiple answers to the following question. I find The Gathering e-newsletter
The vast majority enjoy it.
2. The Gathering meeting time (Sunday, 5:30 pm) is
67% really like 5:30 Sundays with another 17% saying it works for them.
16% find our current meeting time difficult because of the darkness issue.
3. You may choose multiple answers to the following question. If The Gathering were to meet at another time, my preference would be:
42% say 5:30 Sundays is their preference.
Other choices: 26% prefer Sunday late afternoon earlier than 5:30; 21% prefer Sunday morning; and a sprinkling of preferences for Sunday early afternoon, Saturday eve, a weeknight, or Sunday eve later than 5:30.
4. The general length of The Gathering each Sunday night is:
65% say the length is just right, while 4 people experience it as too long.
5. With the current format for the month as a whole (Worship first Sunday of the month, Education second Sunday, Contemplation/Meditation third Sunday, Reflection on Sacred Readings/Service fourth Sunday, Business Meeting fifth Sunday), I am:
82.4% of respondents very pleased with current monthly format, diversity and variety appeal to The Gathering participants.
A comment repeated by several is that people miss the movies.
6. You may choose multiple answers to the following question. I would like to have more opportunities for:
Gatherers find times of education and meditation meaningful with 59% of respondents wanting more opportunities for these.
Reflection on Sacred Readings are also finding a place of interest with 38% of folks requesting additional experiences with texts.
29% of people request more worship and service opportunities. Surprisingly, not one person requested more business meetings.
One way we’re addressing the request for more meditation is by connecting with Quaker sitting and Zen sitting. One way we’re offering more education time is to highlight local offerings in other places.
7. I participate in The Gathering (via e-newsletter and/or in person) because...
8. The most satisfying/least satisfying aspects of The Gathering are...
26 Comments total. People expressed much appreciation for the community, the inclusivity, the diversity, the creativity, the outreach/service to the city and beyond.
Primary frustration concerns our meeting space and not feeling “settled” somewhere.
9. Please share any additional feedback, satisfactions, dissatisfactions, questions, and/or plans for world peace.
9 comments total ranging from The Gathering is a wonderful gift that should do more to we’re trying to be/do too much to too many people.
Anyone wanting full results, please contact Karen at (325) 374-1566 or thegatheringsanangelo@yahoo.com. She is happy to share.
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