This coming Sunday, April 11, we will travel to the Himalayan Mountains to study with world-renowned spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi. Well, ok, the commute will actually be a little closer than India - Promenade Square, 618 Locust Street. And the leader will actually be renowned Neil Snipes. But we will encounter Gandhi as we discuss his perspectives concerning reasons to believe in God.
The article Neil will use to facilitate the conversation begins with the following paragraph: "There is an indefinable mysterious Power that pervades everything. I feel it, though I do not see it. It is this unseen Power which makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses. It transcends the senses. But it is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent."
Our offering recipient has yet to be determined. As for our potluck, Gandhi was a vegetarian, and eventually a "fruitarian" from India, so our potluck is anything that falls into these categories. I can hardly wait to see what ends up on the table!
Hope to see you at 5:30 pm, 618 Locust, Sunday, April 11.
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