The Swedenborg Church bases its teachings on the Bible as illuminated by the works of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Swedenborg was a scientist, inventor, theologian and was well respected in the Swedish Parliament. He claims to have spoken to angels and spirits in the afterlife for over 26 years and wrote 22 vols. The most popular are: "Divine Love and Wisdom", "Heaven and Hell" and two vols. on "True Christian Religion".
He believed that everything in the created world was a mirror to the spiritual world. This was known as "Correspondences". "Images of Knowing" is a stunning visual poem exploring the meaning of these images and our place in the universe based on Swedenborg's writings. His timeless and universal insights underscore the importance of love, of the mind's awakening, and of useful engagement in the world.
The DVD is narrated by Academy Award-winner Anne Baxter. Led by Dick Marine, we will view the DVD and then discuss our responses to it. As Swedenborg taught that nature was a mirror to the spiritual world, our offering will be designated for The Nature Conservancy. And don't forget about our on-going collection of canned and boxed food for Project Dignidad. Our potluck theme is "food that soothes the soul," otherwise known as comfort food. Please remember, we always have more than plenty for everyone - so bring yourself and enjoy!
Sunday, 27 February, 5:30 pm
618 Locust
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