This Sunday we will continue our Lenten journey of inner reflection by gathering for meditation. Thanks to the connections of Tonia Marine, we will be visited by Jane Derby, who will share some history of Tai Chi and Qi Gong and lead us in some simple movements from each discipline. Tonia states: "Jane Derby has been practicing Tai Chi for the past 7 years under the teaching of Steve Haidinger from Tai Chi Concho. She currently is skilled in the 24 form Yang Style Tai Chi, Flying Rainbow Single Fan, Taiji Sword, and Xing Ye Staff. She also has achieved the status of teacher of Tai Chi. Please wear something you can move in to facilitate your participation."
Because Tai Chi and Qi Gong originated in the East, our potluck will be Asian-inspired food, and our offering will be designated for on-going Japan disaster relief through the One Great Hour of Sharing effort. OGHS is an ecumenical offering (9 different denominations participate) that "makes the love of God real for individuals and communities around the world who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict, or severe economic hardship, and those who serve them through gifts of time and money."
Please also remember we are collecting packages of cookie dough for United Campus Ministries' booth at the Childrens' Fair, to be held April 17. In addition, we have an on-going offering of boxed and canned food for Project Dignidad.
Sunday, 10 April
5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
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