Gathering to Celebrate Dia De Los Reyes Magos
(Three Kings Day aka: Epiphany)
Sunday, 8 January 2012
5:30 pm, 618 Locust
Twelve days after Christmas, January 6, begins the celebration of Epiphany, a season to focus on God's surprising revelations and manifestations. The Epiphany story probably sounds familiar - three wise men from a foreign land follow a star to a Bethlehem manger whereby they encounter the Holy Presence in a poor baby named Jesus. After gifting the child with gold, frankincense and myrrh, they return to their home country via a different road.
This observance, known in Spanish as Dia de los Reyes Magos, is very important in Hispanic cultures. During Sunday night's worship, we will incorporate parts of this tradition as we travel with the magi, exploring the unexpected, surprising paths our lives and faith take. In honor of the Light that accompanies us and lights our way on what can seem to be dark journeys, our offering will be designated for St. Paul Presbyterian Church's beneficence fund to help provide financial assistance to people needing light, that is, help with electricity bills.
Our potluck theme is food traditionally connected to the Dia de los Reyes Magos celebration - tamales and the trimmings, chocolate, and possibly a
Rosca de Reyes cake.
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