Debates rage today about the role of religion in public life, and it seems religious rhetoric is increasing (or maybe just getting louder). As the world becomes more interconnected, various religions are inhabiting the same space, and many in the United States and around the world want to shape the public realm according to the dictates of their own religious traditions and particular interpretations of their sacred texts. Others, frustrated with this intolerance, take a completely secular approach to citizenship and want absolutely no intersection between anything spiritual and anything political.
But for those of us who intentionally work to integrate our spiritual lives with the rest of our lives, the situation is more complicated. We live within the tension of working to allow our particular faith perspectives to inform our politics without dictating that others believe and govern from our perspectives. We agree with the perspective that, "At it's best, the church is a community of moral discernment in which the connection between discipleship and citizenship can be a matter for serious deliberation." Sunday's worship invites us to this serious deliberation.
Governmental policies may be determined theoretically, but they have real life consequences, one of which is climate change and its effects. Zack Beauchamp points out that income inequality is "the single most important predictor of vulnerability to storm damage." As such, our financial offering this Sunday will be directed to Hurricane Sandy relief. Another consequence of current political policies is that many people in San Angelo are hungry. So every Sunday in November we will collect food for Project Dignidad. Canned vegetables and meats, peanut butter, bags of beans and rice are always needed and appreciated. And speaking of sharing food - we will join together in our potluck Sunday night.
4 November 2012, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
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