As we gather for worship Sunday night, we continue our journey through Lent by further exploring the holy relationship between body and spirit; and this Sunday we engage "Celtic Spirituality". As I'm learning from Nancy, "Celtic spirituality" is a VERY large theme with all kinds of particularities. One feature of Celtic spirituality is interweaving and mixing the sacred and ordinary. They call this the "thin boundary" between the sacred and the secular. And did you know that the circle symbolizes the natural cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all that is? The circle also symbolizes that every participant is of equal value
with no position either more or less important than any other. Sounds like a good fit with The Gathering, doesn't it? Gather with us Sunday night as we engage with these and other aspects of Celtic spirituality. And remember: we meet in a dance hall, so don't be surprised if we break out in an Irish jig!
Our offering will be designated for West Texas Organizing Strategy. While not particularly "Celtic", it does seek to connect the sacred and secular and lives out the belief that every human is of equal value with no position either more or less important than any other.
Our fitting food theme will celebrate all things
"green," so how about some Irish stew, corned beef and cabbage, or Irish potatoes? Green pasta, broccoli, asparagus and
green beans would all be nice additions, as would
split pea soup, green cookies, green salad, and of course, lime jello. You get the idea.
And please remember - we always have an abundance of food (in many colors), so come on!
PLEASE do not let the potluck issue keep you from participating in community.
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