Saturday, May 25, 2013

Washuntara in Concert May 26

Washuntara is an Australian singer/songwriter based in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to working on his label, Passionworks, he also conducts relationship workshops and Mens' Outreach to further his mission "to co-create passionate, powerful and authentic lives, that work."  

Washuntara has performed with some of the worlds greatest acts, including Sir Paul McCartney, the Eagles, the Moody Blues, Keith Urban, Jerry Lee Lewis, Garth Brooks and others. He has also been received at the White House with great enthusiasm by Barbara Bush. When he's not at The Gathering or on a silent Buddhist retreat, he travels the world performing at international events, festivals, and functions.

This will be a one-of-a-kind evening at The Gathering.  Don't miss it!  And invite all your friends, family members, co-workers, and even enemies to it- but only if you don't want to be enemies anymore.

Sunday, May 26 at 5:30 pm
618 Locust (off Houston Harte Expressway Access Road, south of Bryant Boulevard)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Service in Gathering

Sunday we will assemble the Church World Service hygiene kits. In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. These kits will be combined with others from across the South Central Conference UCC and given to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Our potluck meal is simple-bring anything that is easy to fix or purchase or if you are pressed for time, just bring yourself. We always have more than enough food. We will enjoy being together and talking about our service project for June.

Sunday, May 19 at 5:30 pm
618 Locust

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Gathering to Share Creation Stories

Gathering on Mother's Day
Sharing Creation Stories
Sunday, 12 May 2013, 5:30 pm,
618 Locust

Creation myths are stories of how the universe and its inhabitants came to be. They are found in nearly all religious traditions and are usually considered sacred. Creation stories are very important to a culture because they reveal the central worldview of a particular people and give voice to the values and beliefs held by the society that shares them.

There's not a more fitting time to explore some of our creation stories than on Mother's Day. Ann and Valerie will share several Native American stories and facilitate our conversation. We'll collect money to purchase the various components of Church World Service hygiene kits which we'll assemble May 19. Because it's the second Sunday of the month, we'll not share a potluck meal.

We offer a Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Women in our Lives who Fill the Role of Mother

She is a Valiant woman; her roots are firmly planted. The Kin-dom is within; her heart, treasure-filled.
She is a Joyful woman, for whom laughter is no stranger: a song to sing, a smile to give, a hand to clasp or embrace.
She is a Strong woman whose heart and arms withstand the pressures and the worries that each day unfolds.
She is a Patient woman waiting through storm and night for new life, new growth, rich harvest.
She is a Loving woman, ever giving and forgiving, ever caring and concerned.
She is a Sharing woman who with arms outstretched gives her gifts and treasures to those both near and far.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gathering for a "Happy" Movie

Sunday, May 5, 2013, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street

Sunday night we will watch and discuss the 2011 documentary Happy. "The movie takes us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real life stories of people from around the world and powerful interviews with the leading scientists in happiness research, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion."

According to the movie, one aspect of being "happy" is helping others, and that's what we'll do with our offering. We'll collect money to purchase the various components of   Church World Service hygiene kits, which we'll assemble in May. These kits will be combined with others from across the South Central Conference UCC and given to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi. Our potluck meal theme is simple: anything that makes you happy and is movie-watching appropriate.