Community Conversation Regarding Our Priorities
The Gathering is a collaborative community where, just as our bell banner symbolizes, each voice is unique and important in making up the whole chorus. As such, we gather as a whole for updates and conversations about the life of the community every fifth Sunday, which is this week. So on this fifth Sunday of January, we will Gather for Sacred Business. The evening will be full of engaging with the Spirit and discussing and deciding things that shape who we are. You are encouraged to participate.
Our offering will affirm our relationship with the United Church of Christ as we give to Our Church's Wider Mission. OCWM is the money given by local congregations throughout the United States to fund the ministries of each Conference and the nation-wide ministries of the UCC. OCWM changes lives by strengthening our ecumenical relationships and global partnerships, by imagining and embodying a better world through prophetic witness and work, and by providing resources and programs to nurture the vitality of UCC congregations.
Recognizing the time issue, we will not have a regular pot-luck. Feel free, however, to bring a snack supper and/or snacks to share. One of the issues we'll discuss is the proposed budget for January 2011-June 2011, which is printed below for your perusal.
Sunday, January 31
5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
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