In honor of the 25th anniversary of the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, we will celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday. Recent events in Tucson, Washington, DC, Sudan, Lebanon, Australia, and across the world call us to engage King's theologically-based notion of Beloved Community.
The Beloved Community was a dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to create a world in which all persons live in peace and harmony. King said:
"Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives."
"We Are The Beloved Community" is an affirmation of who we are as well as a clarion call to better ourselves, our community, our city, the nation and the world.
If we are to join in the movement in 2011, what can we see that needs work? Where and with whom will we stand? In the spirit of our prophets, the Rabbi Y'shua, and the preacher King, what liberating work shall we join this year?
Our offering will be designated for our local grass-roots effort at creating Beloved Community - West Texas Organizing Strategy. Our pot-luck theme is, of course, Southern soul food.
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