Neil Snipes will lead us in a mindfulness experience Sunday night. Our offering will be designated for the Kids Eat summer program. The Tom Green County Kids Eat-FREE effort is affiliated with the Texas Hunger Initiative. The goal of the Texas Hunger Initiative is to end hunger in Texas by 2015 through local and statewide collaboration - policy, education, grassroots organizing and community development. During the summer of 2010, over 50 churches (one of which was The Gathering), ministries, organizations, businesses and many, many individuals and volunteers partnered to provide meals at 11 locations in San Angelo and at one site in Carlsbad. Approximately 25,588 meals were served. This summer, there's a need for even more.
As for our own community meal, please remember, we will NOT share a Gathering potluck this Sunday night. At our Gathering for Sacred Business time Sunday, May 29, we decided to experiment with our community-wide meals, and this, the second Sunday of June is our first Sunday of experimentation. We decided we'd try community meals the first and third Sundays, and drinks (and maybe snacks) the second and fourth Sundays. So come ready to be nourished in soul and mind, come ready to share tea and coffee and conversation, but plan to nourish your body elsewhere. Perhaps we could gather for a DQ Blizzard following our service.
Now that's nourishment!
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