Tell me the landscape in which you live and I will tell you who you are ~ Ortega y Gassett
"The experiences of place and space profoundly structure our experience of self and others in relationship to God, that is, our spirituality. And, conversely, our spirituality structures our 'landscape,' that is, our vision of the 'where' of our experience," says Sandra Schneiders in Landscapes of the Sacred. Ellen King will lead The Gathering in exploring our sacred landscapes, our spiritual geographies, Sunday night during our time of worship. She notes we'll be more deeply exploring those places in which we find God, the places in which we meet God, and the places where we are found by God. She invites and encourages us to bring photos, magazine pictures, drawings, postcards, travel brochures, etc, of places where we've experienced the Sacred - even if it's somewhere we've never been except in our prayers.
Many thanks to Ellen for her willingness to lead worship while Ann Light and I are returning from attending the South Central Conference UCC Annual Conference meeting in Clearlake. Sunday's offering will be designated for the Conference mission effort - Church World Service Kits. Church World Service Kits (hygiene and school kits) are small packages of supplies assembled by volunteers and shipped to people in need around the world; our offering will be added to the combined effort of the rest of the churches in Conference and go for supplies and shipping. In addition, we'll receive a special offering of non-perishable food items for a family of 4 - two parents, a 2 year old boy, and a 4 month old boy. The family is related to The Gathering (some of you may remember Grayson - Irene and Larry's grandson) and in need of special care right now. Our pot-luck will be general. Join us!
Sunday, June 5
5:30 pm
618 Locust Street
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