Gathering for worship this Sunday, May 2 at 5:30 pm, 618 Locust.
Jesus: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another."
Rumi: "If you want to know Love, become 'we'."
Cynthia Bourgeault: "The goal is...the luminous capacity to 'love our neighbor as ourself.' Not as much as ourself - there is no comparative here - but as our very self."
Richard Evans: "Jesus' commandment is not about what you believe but about how you live."
How does one actually live Love? What are the possibilities if we actually became "we" and lived this Love? We'll explore these radical notions during worship Sunday night. As a concrete effort to become "we", our offering will be designated for the "Strengthen the Churches" offering of the UCC. The Gathering has been the recipient of this offering through the gifts of other churches because it
supports the creation of UCC new church starts. It also helps renew and revitalize existing UCC churches and supports the work of the God is Still Speaking Ministry, which shares the extravagant welcome to all.
Our potluck will be anything you'd like to bring that conveys the notion of living love.
The text in the "How Can I Help" mandala (pictured above) reads:
How can I help? Forgive yourself and others; Embrace peace; Practice compassion; Respect life; Listen with your heart; Love.