Theologian Paul Knitter speaks about a "Sacrament of Silence." He states:
If the Divine is truly a Mystery that is beyond all human comprehension, beyond all human ideas and words, then any spiritual practice must make room - lots of room - for the practice of silence.
We will explore this practice Sunday night when local Zen Buddhist practitioner Jon Blann leads our time of meditation. Jon will briefly introduce us to the practice of Zen, we will do one short period of zazen (seated meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation), and we will finish the service with a tea ceremony. Jon states:
Zen is the pure experience of the dynamic reality as it is in this moment. It is not a philosophy. It is not a metaphysical way of explaining the world. Zen is practice. So although we use and respect academic study, teaching, and ritual, we emphasize practice. When we are walking, we walk; we when are sitting, we sit; when are drinking tea, we drink. This is Zen practice.
Please bring a cup for the tea ceremony.
More information about Zen and the San Angelo Zen Center can be found here. The San Angelo Zen Center is associated with the Maria Kannon Zen Center in Dallas, whose lineage is from Japan.
Our meal will consist of typical Buddhist and/or Japanese fare. In honor of the upcoming Earth Day, and out of respect for all sentient beings and all creation, our offering will be designated for The Nature Conservancy.
Sunday's Gathering
Contemplative Meditation
April 18, 5:30 pm
618 Locust Street
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