Gathering for Sacred Readings to Celebrate Pentecost and Observe Memorial Day Sunday, May 27, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
"God meets us in the messiness of different languages and does not ask us to speak God’s language. Instead, God chooses to speak our many languages." - Eric Barreto
Our "potluck" this coming Sunday night has nothing to do with food, but instead concerns how we individually and collectively experience Sacred Spirit. Therefore, you are invited to bring and share readings, poetry, verses from sacred text, art, music, etc., that are meaningful to you. In addition, because of the weekend's emphasis on Memorial Day, you are also invited to bring something by which you remember and/or honor a loved one who now lives in your memories. We will co-create worship as we share these treasures together.
Our offering will be designated for the North Concho Enrichment Foundation, which is establishing a free library in the Carlsbad and Water Valley areas. You can read the recent Standard-Times article here: Because it's the fourth Sunday of the month, we will not share a meal. The following Sunday, June 3, we will share a worship service and community potluck.