Sunday, May 13, 2012

Progress Report re: Neil's Transplant Journey

I think it's been 3 weeks since the last update via this venue, and it's hard to believe that much time has passed. The days have been full with steps toward recovery - literally and figuratively. Yesterday, Neil and I enjoyed a 1 1/4 mile walk along the river; what a gift it is to get to walk together!

 As we get further from surgery (he's now 4 1/2 weeks post-transplant), the surgical side effects are beginning to wear off, which helps with just about everything. He's grateful for more restful sleep, more mental clarity, more energy and strength.

While the learning curve is still steep, the process is less overwhelming; for instance, because of the suppression of Neil's immune system, proper food preparation is critical in order to avoid any possible bacteria. I figure since I haven't accidentally killed him yet, we're on the right path.

As we're managing the practical pieces of living with a lung transplant, the emotional and spiritual aspects of the past month are beginning to bubble up. This gift of life is so precious and humbling. We are both acutely aware of how many people living with serious illness do not experience this kind of resurrection; we know Neil's new life is due to someone's untimely death and the incredible graciousness of that person's family. With each deep breath Neil experiences, we hold the donor's family in prayer as they grieve the death of their loved one.

We're also aware of being held in the breath of Spirit and the heart of God by so many people - many of whom we don't even know. It's been incredibly sacred and sustaining for us and has made a significant difference in this journey. Thank you.


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