Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gathering for a Community Conversation

Regarding The State of The Gathering
Sunday, September 30, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street

The Gathering is a vibrant, collaborative community where each person and perspective is unique and important in making up the whole. As such, we gather as a whole for updates and conversations about the life of the community every fifth Sunday, which is this Sunday. Because of the complexity of this year (Neil's transplant, me being out with Neil, people moving), we've not Gathered for Sacred Business since January, and a lot has happened since January! This Sunday is an important Gathering in that we will assess the "state of The Gathering" and discuss and decide things that shape who we are and will be. You are highly encouraged to participate.

Our offering will affirm our relationship with the United Church of Christ as we give to the South Central Conference

Recognizing the time issue, we will not have a regular pot-luck. Feel free, however, to bring a snack supper and/or snacks to share.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gathering for Sacred Reading

Sunday night we will engage in the spiritual practice of sacred reading, aka lectio divina, which literally means "reading God". There are many variations of lectio divina, but all of them are a form of prayer, inviting a Divine loving look at some aspect of life. During this week's Gathering, we will engage that Divine loving look as we read and reflect on a passage from Richard Rohr's book Everything Belongs. Our offering will be designated for the Adult Literacy Council of the Concho Valley. This is the fourth Sunday of the month, which means we will not share a potluck meal.

Sunday, 23 September, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Gathering for Peace

Sunday night we will participate in the fifth annual Season of Peace when we gather for worship and community. The Season of Peace celebration is the annual period marking the transformative global journey from fear to hope, starting with peace and understanding. As part of the worship service, Tim McTaggart will share about spirituality and the Burning Man experience, and Valerie Tedford Queen will provide our music. Our offering will be designated for the Peace Ambassadors of West Texas.

As we imagine and embody world peace, our potluck theme is whirled peas.  (Let me know if you don't understand, and I'll explain.)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gathering for Those in Need

Gathering to Help Isaac Clean-Up Efforts
Sunday, September 9, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street

Back Bay Mission, a Biloxi, Mississippi non-profit community ministry of the South Central Conference United Church of Christ, "serves the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the wider church community by faithful witness for social justice and compassionate service to the poor and marginalized." Some of its ministries include: care for homeless men and women; providing affordable housing; food, health, utility, and education assistance; and mental health care. Back Bay and the people it serves were deeply impacted by Hurricane Katrina, and they have now experienced the impact of Hurricane Isaac. We will help them put some of the pieces of their lives back together this Sunday night as we gather to live our practices of compassion and service; we will assemble hygiene kits. All materials will be provided except for your hands - which are crucial for being able to complete the task! While we will not have a potluck, you are invited to bring snack food and drinks in addition to your willing hands and compassionate spirit.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pray the News

This weekend marks the space between the Republican and Democratic conventions, each offering a distinct vision for the future of the US. It is also Labor Day weekend, which is a time to acknowledge and honor workers and evaluate real working conditions. And many will spend these 3 days assessing and cleaning up the mess left by Hurricane Isaac. Where does one's faith fit in considering issues facing our country? We will respond in part by "praying the news" as we gather for worship this Sunday. Our offering will be designated for Week of Compassion, which is an ecumenical disaster relief effort. We will also share potluck following the service.  

Gathering for Worship
Sunday, 2 September, 5:30 pm, 618 Locus