Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gathering for a Community Conversation

Regarding The State of The Gathering
Sunday, September 30, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street

The Gathering is a vibrant, collaborative community where each person and perspective is unique and important in making up the whole. As such, we gather as a whole for updates and conversations about the life of the community every fifth Sunday, which is this Sunday. Because of the complexity of this year (Neil's transplant, me being out with Neil, people moving), we've not Gathered for Sacred Business since January, and a lot has happened since January! This Sunday is an important Gathering in that we will assess the "state of The Gathering" and discuss and decide things that shape who we are and will be. You are highly encouraged to participate.

Our offering will affirm our relationship with the United Church of Christ as we give to the South Central Conference

Recognizing the time issue, we will not have a regular pot-luck. Feel free, however, to bring a snack supper and/or snacks to share.

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